Medicine 💊



Type of medicine

1. Gel
2. Cream
3. Tablets / pill
4. Syrup
5. Capsule

Test   📚📖

 1.What is this type medicine ?
a. Gel                   b. Cream
c. Capsule           d. Syrupe

2. What is this type medicine ?
a. Cream           b. Syrup
c. Gel                  d. Tablets / pill

3. What is this type medicine ?
a. Capsule        b. Gel
c. Cream           d. Tablets / pill

4. What is the matter ?
a. Caugh         b. Toothache
c. Dizzy           d. Fever

5. What is the matter  ?
a. Broken leg     b. Caugh
c. Fever               d. Toothahe

1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. c



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